Our health is our greatest power!

Learn more about COVID-19


In 2020, the pandemic began that would last for the following years. Never overlook COVID-19 symptoms!

Persistent COVID occurs when individuals experience new or continuous symptoms after three months of being infected with COVID-19.

These are some of the main

symptoms of Persistent COVID:

Fatigue after mental or physical effort

Changes in menstrual cycles

Chest pain


Anxiety or depression


Difficulty thinking or concentrating ("brain fog")

Changes in
menstrual cycles

Difficulty breathing

It's important to note that women are more likely to experience symptoms than men!

If you're experiencing long-term symptoms three months after having had COVID-19, consult a medical professional.

Other related diseases

Prevention is better than cure!

And if you're wondering how to prevent Persistent COVID, we'll help you with the answer:

Avoiding contracting COVID-19 is the best way to prevent Persistent COVID. Protect yourself and others by washing your hands, using masks in crowded places, staying at home when sick, and receiving the recommended vaccines and booster doses.

Vaccinated individuals who contract COVID-19 may have a lower likelihood of developing Persistent COVID than those who are not vaccinated.

Vaccinate, care, and protect! Together, we will overcome this battle.

Made possible in part by the Centro Cultural Mexicano through a grant from the Washington State Department of Health.

More information and resources:
